
Posts Tagged ‘lily’


Before we go over magical properties of lilies, just a few quick notes. Some lilies are toxic to humans and ALL LILIES are fatally toxic to cats. Even their pollen. Alright, now onto magical properties.

The Lilium spp., or lilies, are feminine plants.

They are ruled by the Moon.

Water is the element associated with lilies.

Deities associated with the lily are Juno, Venus, Nephthys, and Kwan Yin

Lilies are usually used for protection magic, but can also be used for breaking love spells.

Plant a lily in your garden to keep away ghosts, protect against evil, keep unwanted visitors away, and protect against the evil eye.

As an antidote to a love spell, wear or carry a fresh lily flower (this is for love spells involving a specific person).

Personally, I have not used lilies in any magic and probably will not due to the toxicity of them. My two cats never need to come anywhere near lilies!

Blessed be! )O(

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