
Posts Tagged ‘magical workings’

In continuation from the previous Magical Herbs post (Parsley), we move now to Sage thanks to Simon and Garfunkel.


Sage leaves


Sage is an extremely popular magical plant and you may find that you use it in ways that I don’t have listed here, as this is not meant to be all encompassing. Please share!

Its scientific name is Salvia officinalis, though I feel I must mention that this is the scientific name for only one species of sage plant. All sage plants will share the same magical properties.

Sage’s gender is masculine, it is ruled by Jupiter, and its element is Air.

It is used in immortality, wisdom, wish, longevity, and protection spells.

For protection, one can simply burn a bundle of sage, wafting the smoke around oneself or around a room or house, etc.

Carry it to encourage wisdom or again for protection.

For the most part, I use sage in protection/purification mixes. I must admit, I’m not particularly fond of the smell of it when it burns and I tend to lean towards other herbs that do the same things, like lavender or vervain.

What ways do you use sage in your magical workings?


Sage flowers

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At this time of year, the clove gets used a lot in cooking. Like many, many other herbs in your spice cupboard, clove has magical properties as well as culinary.

The clove is also known as Syzygium aromaticum and the part of the plant that we utilize is actually a dried flower bud.



Clove’s magical powers involve love, protection, exorcism, and money.

Burning clove as an incense will drive away negative/hostile forces and purify an area as well as attract wealth, stop people from gossiping about you, and raise spiritual vibrations.

Carrying or wearing cloves (i.e. clove oil) will attract the opposite sex and can comfort the grieving.

Have you ever used clove in magical workings?

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