
Archive for June, 2012

Like so many others, Scott Cunningham’s Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner has been an invaluable book to me. Scott was the first person to say that you didn’t need to be in a coven to have a relationship with the God/dess. After reading this book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on his other books. His style of writing is easy going and you feel like he can relate to you. Every book of his that I own is a treasure of incalculable worth. The legacy that he has left behind has supported and taught countless people.

Blessed be, Scott, and thank you.

Read a small article here written by a friend of his.

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May you go forth under the strength of heaven,
under the light of sun, under the radiance of moon;
may you go forth with the splendor of fire,
with the speed of lightning, with the swiftness of wind;
may you go forth supported by the depth of sea,
by the stability of earth, by the firmness of rock;
May you be surrounded and encircled,
with the protection of the nine elements.

Source: Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers and Blessings by Caitlin Matthews (Harmony Books, 1996).

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I dare you not to have tears in your eyes and a smile on your face after looking at these pictures!

21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity ❤ ツ.

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Before we go over magical properties of lilies, just a few quick notes. Some lilies are toxic to humans and ALL LILIES are fatally toxic to cats. Even their pollen. Alright, now onto magical properties.

The Lilium spp., or lilies, are feminine plants.

They are ruled by the Moon.

Water is the element associated with lilies.

Deities associated with the lily are Juno, Venus, Nephthys, and Kwan Yin

Lilies are usually used for protection magic, but can also be used for breaking love spells.

Plant a lily in your garden to keep away ghosts, protect against evil, keep unwanted visitors away, and protect against the evil eye.

As an antidote to a love spell, wear or carry a fresh lily flower (this is for love spells involving a specific person).

Personally, I have not used lilies in any magic and probably will not due to the toxicity of them. My two cats never need to come anywhere near lilies!

Blessed be! )O(

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Today is the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha (among other names). Today the tilt of the earth is such that we are tilted to the maximum towards the sun. This makes today the longest day of the year.

Click on the picture. When the earth’s orbit reaches the right of the picture, that is summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere.


For me, celebrating Litha is all about celebrating the joy of life and the love of the gods. This is the start of summer and a time to party! Have a barbecue, invite some people over, and just enjoy being outside. Revel in the abundant gifts of the earth and the sun. The power of the sun is at its max today, so let it soak into you. Feel it energize and invigorate you. Let yourself be filled with light and life.

Blessed be! )O(

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I’d just like to say thanks to my Facebook followers for liking my page and thank you to the fellow wordpress bloggers that have liked and/or are following my blog. If you’re over on Facebook, stop by, say hi, and give me a like!

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Today I was looking around at the OBOD and ADF websites, seriously considering embarking on the OBOD study program or joining the ADF. OBOD wants quite a bit of money that I can’t afford to spend at this time and ADF has free resources to members with yearly membership being about $45 including magazine. Not bad.

Anyway, as I was delving further into ADF, having given up on OBOD, I read something interesting. While ADF acknowledges that all images of the Divine are viable, they highly recommend you choose what they call a hearth culture. They suggest you choose a pantheon as your primary focus. I don’t think I agree with this.

I have always worshiped in a polytheistic manner and in a poly-cultural manner. Maybe it was my upbringing and my exposure to Hinduism as a child, but I believe whatever faces of the Divine resonate with you, that’s what you go with. I also studied Greek and Roman pantheons, as well as Egyptian and Celtic. Sarasvati, Artemis, Thor, Zeus, Apollo, Isis, Durga, the Horned God, the Greenman, Aphrodite, Brigid… I have always simply worked with images of the Divine appropriate for the ritual or the needs.

I feel like if I choose one particular pantheon, I would be limiting myself.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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The next of the four elements to discuss is Fire. Fire is associated with the cardinal direction South and is called at that direction when casting a ritual circle. Reds, oranges, and sometimes golds are used to represent Fire. Yearning, passion, vitality, energy, growth, activity, purification, and will are all associated with this element. Drumming, the heartbeat, and body heat are all considered to be expressions of Fire.

The Fire signs of the Zodiac are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

As with Air, Fire has many plants associated with it and again, I will list only a few.











Dragon’s Blood

Blood Root





Chili Pepper









May Apple











St. John’s Wort








Witch Hazel



Summer is the season associated with Fire and with the long, dry, hot spell we’ve had around here I have been reminded of that!

Some of the stones associated with Fire are:

Agates (banded, black, brown, and red)














Tiger’s eye

Noon is the time of day associated with Fire and the athame is its instrument.

Energy, relationships, physicality (the body), and solar magic are the magical themes of Fire.

Fire represents our energetic nature, the fires of body and soul. It teaches us how to use our energy wisely and effectively, how to feed and tend to our internal flame without ‘burning out.’

Fire can ‘heat’ up a relationship, sustain us through frustrations, give us the push we need to strive for our goals, and give us the courage to speak up for ourselves. Too much Fire can push us too far, sparking ‘hot’ tempers and feeding reckless behavior (in the ‘heat’ of the moment).

What do you do with Fire energy?

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by Maurice Ogden

Into our town the Hangman came,
Smelling of gold and blood and flame.
And he paced our bricks with a diffident air,
And built his frame in the courthouse square.

The scaffold stood by the courthouse side,
Only as wide as the door was wide;
A frame as tall, or little more,
Than the capping sill of the courthouse door.

And we wondered, whenever we had the time,
Who the criminal, what the crime
That the Hangman judged with the yellow twist
of knotted hemp in his busy fist.

And innocent though we were, with dread,
We passed those eyes of buckshot lead —
Till one cried: “Hangman, who is he
For whom you raised the gallows-tree?”

Then a twinkle grew in the buckshot eye,
And he gave us a riddle instead of reply:
“He who serves me best,” said he,
“Shall earn the rope of the gallows-tree.”

And he stepped down, and laid his hand
On a man who came from another land.
And we breathed again, for another’s grief
At the Hangman’s hand was our relief

And the gallows-frame on the courthouse lawn
By tomorrow’s sun would be struck and gone.
So we gave him way, and no one spoke,
Out of respect for his Hangman’s cloak.

The next day’s sun looked mildly down
On roof and street in our quiet town,
And stark and black in the morning air
Was the gallows-tree in the courthouse square.

And the Hangman stood at his usual stand
With the yellow hemp in his busy hand;
With his buckshot eye and his jaw like a pike
And his air so knowing and business-like.

And we cried, “Hangman, have you not done
Yesterday, with the foreign one?”
Then we fell silent, and stood amazed,
“Oh, not for him was the gallows raised.”

He laughed a laugh as he looked at us:
“Did you think I’d gone to all this fuss
To hang one man? That’s a thing I do
To stretch a rope when the rope is new.”

Then one cried “Murder!” and one cried “Shame!”
And into our midst the Hangman came
To that man’s place. “Do you hold,” said he,
“with him that was meant for the gallows-tree?”

And he laid his hand on that one’s arm.
And we shrank back in quick alarm!
And we gave him way, and no one spoke
Out of fear of his Hangman’s cloak.

That night we saw with dread surprise
The Hangman’s scaffold had grown in size.
Fed by the blood beneath the chute,
The gallows-tree had taken root;

Now as wide, or a little more,
Than the steps that led to the courthouse door,
As tall as the writing, or nearly as tall,
Halfway up on the courthouse wall.

The third he took — we had all heard tell —
Was a usurer, and an infidel.
“What,” said the Hangman “have you to do
With the gallows-bound, and he a Jew?”

And we cried out, “Is this one he
Who has served you well and faithfully?”
The Hangman smiled: “It’s a clever scheme
to try the strength of the gallows-beam.”

The fourth man’s dark, accusing song
Had scratched our comfort hard and long;
“And what concern,” he gave us back.
“Have you for the doomed — the doomed and Black?”

The fifth. The sixth. And we cried again,
“Hangman, Hangman, is this the man?”
“It’s a trick,” he said. “that we hangmen know
For easing the trap when the trap springs slow.”

And so we ceased, and asked no more,
As the Hangman tallied his bloody score.
And sun by sun, and night by night,
The gallows grew to monstrous height.

The wings of the scaffold opened wide
Till they covered the square from side to side;
And the monster cross-beam, looking down,
Cast its shadow across the town.

Then through the town the Hangman came,
Through the empty streets, and called my name —
And I looked at the gallows soaring tall,
And thought, “There is no one left at all

For hanging, and so he calls to me
To help pull down the gallows-tree.”
So I went out with right good hope
To the Hangman’s tree and the Hangman’s rope.

He smiled at me as I came down
To the courthouse square through the silent town.
And supple and stretched in his busy hand
Was the yellow twist of the hempen strand.

And he whistled his tune as he tried the trap,
And it sprang down with a ready snap —
And then with a smile of awful command
He laid his hand upon my hand.

“You tricked me. Hangman!,” I shouted then,
“That your scaffold was built for other men…
And I no henchman of yours,” I cried,
“You lied to me, Hangman. Foully lied!”

Then a twinkle grew in the buckshot eye,
“Lied to you? Tricked you?” he said. “Not I.
For I answered straight and I told you true —
The scaffold was raised for none but you.

For who has served me more faithfully
Then you with your coward’s hope?” said he,
“And where are the others who might have stood
Side by your side in the common good?”

“Dead,” I whispered. And amiably
“Murdered,” the Hangman corrected me:
“First the foreigner, then the Jew…
I did no more than you let me do.”

Beneath the beam that blocked the sky
None had stood so alone as I.
The Hangman noosed me, and no voice there
Cried “Stop!” for me in the empty square.

The way of the warrior is not meant for all of us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stand up for what’s right. Standing for the right thing doesn’t always require bold action. It can be as simple as lending a hand to someone, participating in a protest, educating people by raising awareness in your community, or hopping on a Greenpeace boat to save the whales.

The important thing is that we stand up for what we believe in. Don’t sit back and say that it has nothing to do with you. Don’t wait until it’s too late and you’re the only one left for the hangman.

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In a previous post, I briefly talked about the pentacle and what it means to me. In that post, I mentioned the elements. I thought it would be fun to elaborate further on each element. For me, I start with the element of Air, then go to Fire, Water, and lastly Earth. So, we’ll start here with Air.

Air is represented most commonly by the color yellow or by pastel colors. Hopefulness, cheer, a sense of freedom/movement, communication, the mind, and beginnings are all associated with this element. Singing, chanting, breathing, toning, and language are all expressions of Air.

Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius are the astrological signs associated with Air.

There are many plants associated with Air, so I will list a few of my favorites:








Male Fern








(Yeah, yeah, I’m kind of a type A personality, but see how nice it is all alphabetized?)

Spring is the season associated with the element of Air and that’s fitting as Air is associated with beginnings. What represents beginning more than Spring?

Of course, the sense associated with Air is hearing.

A few stones associated with Air are:



Mottled Jasper

The time of day that is best to work with Air is dawn and wands, wind chimes, bells, or aromatics (ex: incense) are tools associated with Air.

Movement, messages, and knowledge are the magical themes of Air.

Air is representative of our desire to keep moving and learning. Quests for knowledge and curiosity are the outward manifestations of Air energies.

Why is it important to know these correspondences? Let’s say you know you’re going to have need of fluid communication skills in the coming day. At the start of your day, take a bath in lavender and mint and carry or wear jasper. During your bath focus on your words being clear and concise, see the people around you understanding what you’re telling them. When you grab that piece of jasper, again envision the people you speak with throughout the day understanding you perfectly. Maybe wear a bit of yellow and have some mint tea, as well, and go out into the world knowing that you have Air’s help in making your communications clear and understandable.

What are your thoughts on the element of Air?

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