
Posts Tagged ‘Thyme’

Finishing off the Simon and Garfunkel song, we come to thyme. Parsley, sage, and rosemary can be found at these links.

Scientifically, thyme is known as Thymus vulgaris. Commonly, it has been called Common Thyme or Garden Thyme.

Thyme is a feminine plant ruled by Venus. The element associated with it is Water.




Healing/health, love, courage, purification, psychic powers, and sleep are its magical uses.

Wear or burn thyme for good health. Use it in any healing spell.

Put it under your pillow if you’re having trouble sleeping. It is said to keep nightmares away, as well.

Thyme can also be burned to magically cleanse an area. A bath of thyme and marjoram is said to cleanse a person of past ailments and grief.

A woman who wears a sprig of thyme in her hair is said to be irresistible. If you carry it and smell it, it will give you courage and energy. Wearing it will allow you to see fairies.




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